

annual medical check up

Primary Immunodeficiency:

Basic immunodeficiency diseases, also known as primary immune disorders or immunodeficiency, reduce the immune system, making it easier for infections and other health issues to develop. Conditions that are more frequent, persistent, or difficult to treat than those experienced by someone with a healthy immune system are typical symptoms of primary immunodeficiency.

Some primary immunodeficiency types are so subtle that years may pass before they are discovered. Other forms are severe enough to be identified shortly after the birth of an afflicted child.

Several primary immunodeficiency illnesses can be treated to boost the immune system.

Schedule an Appointment

If you or someone you know is affected by two or more of the following warning signs there may be an underlying Primary Immunodeficiency.

  • Four or more new ear infections within 1 year.
  • Two or more serious sinus infections within 1 year.
  • Two or more months on antibiotics with little effect.
  • Two or more cases of pneumonia within 1 year.
  • Failure of an infant to gain weight or grow normally.
  • Recurrent, deep skin or organ abscesses.
  • Persistent thrush in the mouth or fungal infection on the skin.
  • Need for intravenous antibiotics to clear infections.
  • Two or more deep-seated infections including septicemia.
  • A family history of Primary Immunodeficiency
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