Hay Fever

Hay Fever

What Is Hay Fever?

Hay fever, also known as seasonal allergies, occurs when the immune system overreacts to airborne pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. However, when exposed to allergens, the body may produce more mucus than usual, leading to hay fever symptoms that disrupt daily life.

Consulting with allergy experts can help you manage these allergic rhinitis symptoms (hay fever) and find treatments tailored to your needs, helping you feel better and regain control over your daily routine.

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Symptoms of Hay Fever

Be aware of these early symptoms of hay fever allergies to help you manage them more effectively before they disrupt your daily life.

Mild Symptoms:

  • Sneezing
  • Runny or stuffy nose
  • Itchy eyes, nose, or throat
  • Watery eyes

Moderate Symptoms:

  • Congestion
  • Fatigue
  • Coughing
  • Decreased sense of smell or taste

Severe Symptoms:

  • Severe nasal congestion
  • Sinus pressure or pain
  • Headaches
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Ear pressure or infections

What are the Causes of Hay Fever?

Hay fever happens when the body’s immune system becomes hypersensitive to allergens, particularly pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds. Before seeking hay fever treatment, it's important to know the common triggers, including:


Spring: Tree pollen (oak, birch, cedar)

Summer: Grass pollen (timothy, ryegrass)

Fall: Weed pollen (ragweed, sagebrush)

Mold Spores

Common in damp areas, especially outdoors in leaf piles or grass

Dust Mites

Tiny insects found in bedding, upholstery, and carpets

Pet Dander

These are tiny flakes of skin typically shed by cats, dogs, and other animals

Cockroach Droppings

Found in infested areas, especially in urban settings

Airborne Irritants

Smoke, pollution, and strong odors can exacerbate seasonal allergy symptoms

Hay Fever Treatment Options and Diagnosis

Pollen levels increase during certain seasons, especially spring and fall, triggering pollen allergy symptoms in people sensitive to these allergens.

Testing for this condition is essential to identify the right hay fever medicine or treatment based on your specific symptoms. Your allergist will review your medical history, perform a physical examination, and examine the results of blood tests, skin tests, and nasal endoscopies.

Note:   Before testing, the allergist may ask you to refrain from taking antihistamines or other allergy medications, as these can interfere with results.

How is Hay Fever Treated?

You can treat hay fever by managing allergen exposure. A common approach involves using over-the-counter medications, such as antihistamines or nasal sprays, to relieve symptoms like congestion and itchy eyes.

For long-term relief, your allergist may also recommend immunotherapy via allergy shots or allergy drops. These options work by gradually desensitizing your immune system to specific allergens, reducing how strongly your body reacts over time.

Combining treatments with strategies to minimize allergen exposure—using air purifiers, closing windows during peak pollen seasons, and regularly cleaning your home—can help you manage hay fever and enjoy a better quality of life. 

Receive Expert Hay Fever Care

Take control of your hay fever symptoms and protect your quality of life. Schedule a consultation at Premier Allergy TX today. Our specialists will work with you to create a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

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